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How big of a wind turbine do you need to power a house?

wind turbine

Automaxx Windmill |


Wind power has become one of the most popular renewable energy resources in recent times. It is economical, environmentally friendly, and widely available. Home wind turbines such as Automaxx wind turbines are becoming increasingly popular as an affordable, clean, and renewable energy source for homes. Automaxx home wind turbine kits vary in size, power output, and features, but they provide reliable source of power for residential applications.

Our Wind Turbines

Automaxx home wind turbines produce less noise than commercial-grade turbines. This makes them a good alternative for residential areas with noise concerns. They’re also portable, making them easy to install and move to accommodate changing energy needs. Automaxx home wind turbines have a longer lifespan than commercial-grade turbines, which means they can be a viable energy option for the long term. Overall, Automaxx home wind turbines are an effective way to harness the power of the wind and provide residents with sustainable electricity access.

Automaxx home wind turbines are wind-powered electricity generators used to power homes. Automaxx home wind turbines range in size from 400W to 1,500W small residential models.

Automaxx home wind turbines can be either pole-mounted or building-mounted. The size of the wind turbine depends on factors such as energy output, intended use of energy, and local wind speed. When the wind turbine produces more power than the home needs, the surplus can be stored into a battery bank for later use.

Calculating wind turbine size for your home

Automaxx wind turbines vary in size and are available in sizes from 400W to 1,500W, They also vary in price, and to get the best value for money, you need to choose a size that is best suited to meet your electricity needs. check the Automaxx wind turbine website for the latest pricing.

To calculate the wind turbine size for your home, you should consider the wind speed in your area and how much energy you want to produce. As wind speed increases, power output also increases, so the more wind you have in your area the more electricity you will be able to generate.

The wind turbine size depends on the size of your home and its appliances. Generally, we recommend our clients to get our 1,500W wind turbines as it would generate more electricity in a shorter amount of time for you to use.

For homes where solar panels are also installed or plans for solar installation exist you can combine the 2 energy channel together (Hybrid system) to maiximize the use of renewable sources.